Jumat, 07 November 2008


Women Imaging in Female’s Product Advertisement

Advertisement is an effective ways of introducing a new product, since it gives an image characters to the audiences as the representative of the real character in the real life. The audiences draw a specific perception about both, the users of the product and the characters represented based on the image character shown in the ad. The image then plays an important role in affecting people description and conclusion. However, the image is sometimes not appropriate to the norm or value of the community. As the result, the bias description of the real image character of the ad will greatly affect the audiences comprehension about the real life characters represented in the ad.

One good example of this interesting issue is a beauty soap ad. The ad shows a girl named Luna. Luna was such a mourning girl. She was walking to a jungle. She dressed ordinarily. No body paid attention to her. She was no body. The worst thing, she did not like herself. Until one day, she found a soap which rocked her life. The soap turned her to be an extraordinary girl. Briefly, she came out with sensational mini skirt. She walked confidently heading to the downtown. The sun sets. She passes by a men crowd. Every body stares at her, and she drives them crazy. Luna enjoys it. Her scent causes men black out. They want her, both young and old men. She is now somebody, after using the soap.

Moreover, this ad gives wrong description of a beautiful woman. It leads the audiences that a beautiful woman is a woman who can draw men’s attention. This ad insults women generally. The way the ad gives image how phatatic a woman’s life is just because no man cares about her, is offending. The ad provokes a woman to pity themselves if they do not have a nice look. The admission of a nice look is based on the men attention given to the woman. A woman is meaningless without men’s attention. For this, the animals in the jungle deserve to be your friends, as it is describes happened to Luna before she found the soap. If women want to turn in the corner, then the soap is the magic spell.

The ad leads the audiences to have a kind of naïf perspective about the standard of a beauty. According to this ad, beauty is the outer look. Further, the image shown in the ad, as a girl who deadly concerns of her physical look, contributes to the reader’s mind that women are shallow for only bothering themselves about physical look. The audience might end up to a conclusion that women can think of nothing but only the matter of appearance. The worst findings could be that women cannot think something serious. This is another wrong description which eventually leads wrong perception of women’s character.

That a woman should be the way new Luna is rather bias. Some norms regard negatively those women wearing mini skirt and walking sumptuously through crowds in the evening. The ad can barely ignore this value, since this community mostly considers wrong view shown in the ad. In fact, there are many things a woman can do for getting appreciation from the people. They do not have to cross the line that the norm has set. In short, the ad does not encourage women to believe in themselves in positive ways. Believe in their potency.

There are so many gifts from God which women need to thank to. Physical look is

just a temporary bonus. It will be gone. What inside is more significant. There is no reason for women to be like the image presenting in the ad. Women are more than just an object. Women can do many useful and give contribution to the society. To be someone for good qualities not merely for the body is the idea that should be in every woman’s mind. This kind of confession is more absolute, than just a man sexual desire. Women should not be worried for things that they do not have. They should do advantageous things for the bless from God.

Bottom line, the ad should be able to give the appropriate and smart imaging of any characters presented in their visual image. In addition, the audiences need to be smart as well in drawing a conclusion about in any image described in a commercial brake. The last, and the most important, women should be more critical and clever in responding any visualization regarding to women imaging. Since, visualization in this case, commercial ad strongly effects the viewers point of view about the idea given.

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